Explore Beaches of 59 Blogs
Living in or visiting the Beaches of 59 area is always a unique experience each and every time. Read about our Blog authors unique experiences and expertise.
Exploring Cross-Country Skiing in the Beaches of 59 Area: Your Guide to Local Trails
Your local guide to all the different ski trails in the Beaches of 59. Get outside and explore all the incredible spots this area has to offer.
Trail Recommendations for the Beaches of 59 Area
Picking the perfect trail can be tricky and depending on what you are looking for it can be hard to know what will be the best fit. This blog post will help recommend a few trail options in the area. Whether you are looking for a shorter stroll that only takes 30 minutes of a bigger adventure, read more here.
ATV Trails in the Beautiful Beaches of 59
Throughout the Beaches of 59 area, there are many gorgeous trails that people can enjoy with their all-terrain vehicles. These trails are a hidden gem that always lead to the best adventures. The trails have all types of terrain so be prepared for a smooth, bumpy, and sometimes muddy ride.
Elk Island - Hike to the North Beach
Manitoba has many hidden gems and Elk Island Provincial Park is definitely one of them! If you want to go on an adventure in the Beaches of 59 area, taking a hike to the North Beach on Elk Island is a great way to spend the day.
Stay in the Woods or Full-Service Luxury in the Beaches of 59
Looking for somewhere to stay in the Beaches of 59? We have you covered. Check out our latest blog with all of the amazing spots to stay in the area.
From Outdoor Markets to Beach Style Gift Shops, there is Everything You Need in the Beaches of 59
Shop the Beaches of 59. Whether you need groceries for a weekend tri to the cabin or looking for some souvenirs, we have put together a list of spots to shop in the area.
Gibson’s Gallery: A Home for Art in Albert Beach
Albert Beach is now home to a vibrant new space for art enthusiasts and creators with the opening of Gibson’s Gallery on May 18. Founded by local artist Krista Gibson, this space is an incredible addition to the area that is a must-see for artists and art lovers alike.
Camping season is upon us, RV checklist!
In this short blog, Base Camp 59 shares a series of checks and preparations to ensure that your RV is safe, comfortable, and ready for your adventures!
Spring is the Time for Birch Water
Sure you get maple Syrup from maple trees but did you know you can get delicious sparkling clear birch water from birch trees?
The Great Horned Owl
With its deep yellow-eyed, searing stare, long ear-like tufts, and deep hooting vocalizations, the Great Horned Owl is the exemplary owl of folklore, children's books, and legends alike.
Saffies General Store “More Than a Store”
Saffies General Store was founded in 1933 when Nicholas Saffie married Alice Joseph and they took over the fledgling log outpost on the great lake Winnipeg at Plage Albert. The couple not only went on to run the store for the next forty years, but raise a family and create an enduring legacy of service to the entire beach community which lives on to this day.
Encounters with the elusive cat, the lynx.
In the East Beaches area, where wildlife is plentiful, most residents and cottage-goers can maunder on about all the wildlife they’ve seen, from black bear, to fox, to coyote. The Canada lynx, however, is in a class of its own.
Labrador tea or what I have come to call Muskeg tea
Muskeg tea or Labrador Tea is a naturally occurring plant that can be found across Canada, and picking and consuming the tea is a common activity for many people.
Fall-time in the Beaches of 59
Fall is my favourite season. I can’t place it for sure but I love bundling in layers, the smell in the air, the colours of the trees, and spotting my favourite wildlife critters.
Elk Island a Perfect Spot to Spot an Eagle
The Bald Eagle is one of the largest of the raptors, catching a glimpse of one in action is an impressive sight
Northern Lights
In the early 17th century, the astronomer and scientist Galileo Galilei coined the term “Aurora Borealis”. Aurora was the Roman goddess of dawn, and Boreas was the Greek name for the north wind.
The two pups curiously graced me with their presence.
Far from any cabin or road – this is their shelter, protection, and their playground. Bones with chew marks, scat, and wolf beds surrounded the area.
The pollinator garden has grown into something beautiful!
Maggie’s idea was to create a native plant pollinator garden and her vision was to create many of these in the area for the benefit of insects, birds and animals.